HIST4236 - History of Alchemy and the Origins of Modern Science

Dr. Brian Regal

Professor for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine

Department of History, LHAC 212, Office phone: 1-908-737-5316

Kean University

email: bregal@kean.edu

Course Description:

The medieval and Renaissance origins of modern science covered by studying the history of alchemy.  Emphasis on practical aspects of alchemy’s origins, its performance, and the goals of its practice along with the Hermetic, Islamic, Jewish and Christian components of alchemical philosophy and its contribution to science. (If we are lucky, we'll discover the Philosopher's Stone and we'll all be rich!)

Course Objectives:

Students will become familiar with the history of alchemy and the origins of modern science, particularly chemistry.  Students will read original alchemical and Hermetic texts as well as current scholarly works.  Students will show their proficiency through a series of examinations and research papers. If we are lucky, we'll discover the secret of the Sorcerer's Stone, and we'll all be rich!

The Pimander, an early Italian edition of a treatise on one of the central books of the Corpus Hermeticum of the legendary character Hermes Trismegistus .

Cesare Baronio's Annales Ecclesiastici (1588-1607), the book which prompted Isaac Casaubon to demolish the Hermetic tradition.

Syllabus (NOTE: the Spring 2025 syllabus will be available shortly). See this one for a good idea of the 2025 syllabus will look like.


Textbook: Laurence Principe. The Secrets of Alchemy (University of Chicago Press, 2013).

Power Point presentation: Updated 9.2023

Chicago Manual of Style 9.22.2023


Additional required reading:

Words history students must know

 Brief introduction to Alchemy

 Inside the Mind of an Alchemist, with Laurence Principe (5:10)

 Alchemy and Hermeticism: an introduction to the issue

 Chemistry to 1699

 Alchemy vs. Chemistry: Etymology

Text of Emerald Tablet

 The Philosopher's Stone

Excerpt from Geber / Ibn Hayyan

 Excerpt from The Picatrix

 Grafton on Casaubon

 Alchemy and chemistry

 The Formation of Boyle's Experimental Philosophy, University of Otago, New Zealand.


The Correspondence of Robert Boyle, (6 volumes) Hunter, Clericuzio, and Principe (Pickering & Chatto, 2001).

Kean library call#: Q 143 .B77 A4 2001 V. 1-6:

Alchemical Laboratory Notebooks and Correspondence of George Starkey (Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2004). Newman and Principe eds.

Kean library call # QD 24.S73 A3 2004

The Boyle letters on-line at the Royal Society, London. These are photos of the actual letters rather than transcriptions.

Watch Isaac Newton: Rejector of the Trinity  (approx 58 min)


Writing rubric

Additional readings: not required but recommended

• Read Robert Boyle's Sceptical Chymist in a transcribed Gutenberg Project version

Early historiographic opinions on alchemy

 Alchemy, 1891

 The True Place of Astrology in the History of Science

Alchemy and Alchemists

Alchemy and the Occult

The problem of the origins of alchemy, 1936

The Beginnings of alchemy, 1947

More modern opinions

Alchemy and laboratory space

A Virtuoso's History, Elias Ashmole

On-Line Resources

Deciphering the recipe for the Philosopher's Stone

Dr. Brian Regal on Alchemy in Harry Potter - NBC/MACH


1600 Scanned Occult Books


Digital Alchemy On-Line Resources: These sites contain original alchemical texts, images, and other primary source materials that will make your research much more effective.

Alchemy web site


AMBIX The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry


Alchemical Recipes Project - original alchemical recipes and the art of distillation


Become an Alchemist?


Bodleian Library, Oxford, Western Manuscript collection, contains several alchemical texts that can be downloaded.

Books of Secrets: Writing and Reading Alchemy, exhibition, Chemical Heritage Society, Philadelphia

The Chymistry of Isaac Newton


The Getty Research Institute, The Art of Alchemy


Marginalia a webpage devoted to medieval literature and manuscripts has an excellent section on alchemy with highly useful resources


Science History Institute alchemy collection - scans of original alchemical texts

Isaac Newton's Library  / Corpus Newtonicum



Original Alchemical Texts



The Recipes Project, fun alchemical recipes



The Ritman Library of Hermetica and alchemy, Amsterdam


General History of Alchemy


The Innes Collection: Alchemical Magic, Hermeticism and related Currents. Warburg Institute, London


Understanding the Language of Alchemy, Medievalists.Net


The Warburg Institute, University of London, Alchemy/Chemistry collection


Harry Potter and the History of Alchemy, exhibit, Wash., DC


The Cloisters Museum, New York, medieval art history


Mural from the Cloisters Museum, New York


Kean University Department of History Main Page

• Kean University Main Page


This course webpage is copyright 2024.