HIST3321 - Introduction to the History of Medicine
The wound man, medical teaching illustration, Germany, 1420. from the Wellcome Library Collection, London.
Dr. Brian Regal
Professor for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
Department of History, LHAC 212
email: bregal@kean.edu
Course Description:
A survey of medical history from the ancient world to the nineteenth century. Special attention to case studies that provide insight into major discoveries and understanding of disease, illness, medical practitioners and practice in different historical contexts and cultures through the 19th century.
The class will cover the origins of anatomical study, dissection, medical botany, the origin of the hospital, medical astrology, medicine and human rights, and others.
Course Objectives:
Students will gain a familiarity with the history of medicine and the connections between medicine and society. They will examine the lives of important practitioners, researchers, and philosophers of medicine; understand medicine as part of a wider social context; study the social impact of medicine upon religion, politics, the arts and culture. Apply methods of historical research and analysis to the topic.
Syllabus: Spring 2024 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZBbM84Y7uwJnmICyQv8YeGg_-m1CzqS2/view?usp=sharing
Primary Texts:
Roy Porter, ed. The Cambridge History of Medicine (Cambridge University Press, 2011) ISBN: 0-521-68289-4.
William Bynum. The History of Medicine: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2008). ISBN: 978-0-19-921543-0.
Power Point presentation A: Updated November, 2023
Power Point presentation B: Updated March 3, 2021
Power Point Presentation: History of Vaccination: March 30, 2021
Chicago Manual of Style: 9.22.2023
Required additional readings:
Start with these two very short (two page) articles: read this short article on how to read for a history class, then the companion piece on how to discuss a book for history class. Very helpful.
• Words history students should know
• History of Medicine in China
• The Simon Forman Casebook Project
• Herbs, Herbals and Herbalists
• Botanical Sources
• Edward Jenner and Vaccinations
• Robert Liston amputates a leg without anesthetic
• Fanny Burney's 1812 letter describing her mastectomy without anesthetic
Supplementary Readings: (strongly suggested but not required).
McCall, Taylor. The Art of Anatomy in Medieval Europe (Reaktion Books, 2023).
The History of Medicine in Education
The Practice of Medicine in Europe
Original text of Ambroise Pare's Oeuvres (scroll down to find Pare)
M. H. Kaufman. Removal of a Tumor from 1834
R. Tate. History of Orthopedics
Fraser and Ayers. Doctor's Casebook, Scotland late 1700s
Luaren Kassell's Oxford Museum of the History of Science podcast lecture on Simon Forman http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/exhibits/podcasts/ (scroll down a bit).
A. W. Bates. The Anatomy of Robert Knox (Sussex Academic Press, 2010).
John C. Burnham. What is Medical History? (Polity Books, 2005).
James Poro and his 'brother' Michael, 1722
Trepanning, 1527
Medieval blood letting
On-Line Resources: accessing these will make your life in this class much easier!
Anesthesia history
Botanical Origins of Medieval Madness, Lapham's Quaterly
Burke's (the Body-Snatcher murderer) skin made into a book
Cultures of Health: A Medical Anthology, University of Windsor Ontario, Canada
De Humani Corporis Fabrica, Vesalius on-line, the complete text translated into English with the illustrations
Vesalius' personal copy of the De Humani discovered
Dream Anatomy, anatomical artwork resource
“England’s New Wonders”: Monstrous Births in the Early Modern Period
The English Housewife of Gervase Markham (1615), modern transcription
Galen Letter Rediscovered
Galen - Podcast on Galen's books by Dr. Vivian Nutton, University College London
Gherkins & Tomatoes, a cite on food history and Medieval medicine
Harry Potter and the History of Medicine, exhibit, Wash., DC.
History of Medicine Finding Aids Consortium from the US National Library of Medicine
Iranian Medical History
Islamic Medical History podcasts, University of Warwick, UK.
Les Ecarts de la Nature, (book of monstrous births) Gallica wed site, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Monsters in Medicine, Mutter Museum Exhibition, Imperfecta
Royal College of Physicians, library on-line rare book collection
Rutgers History of Medicine source page
The Chirugeon's Apprentice, treasure trove of unusual articles, essays, and pictures on the history of pre-anesthetic surgeryhttp://thechirurgeonsapprentice.com/
Medical History Society of New Jersey
Medical London, cool interactive stuff
Mütter Museum, Philadelphia (Museum of weird medicine a must see!) www.collphyphil.org/mutter.asp
National Museum of Health and Medicine, Washington DC
The most notorious body snatchers in history:
New York Academy of Medicine 'The Resurrectionists'
Nicholas Culpeper's herbal on-line
Oldest Prosthetic toes discovered in Egypt
Pharmacy Technician site
Reflections on Health in Society and Culture
Science Museum London, Brought to Life project
UMDNJ (University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey) medical history library and archive.
University of Pittsburgh health Sciences Library
Wellcome Library of the History of Medicine, London. Great source for historic images
Morbid Anatomy, a constantly changing site for unusual human anatomy related resources
Museo di Storia Naturale, Italy
US National Library of Medicine - History of Medicine site
Index of Medieval Medical Images, UCLA
Yale Medical Library, includes image collection as well